Sponsoring the Commonhaus Foundation

The Commonhaus Foundation is dedicated to the long-term sustainability of open source projects through developer-led, grassroots collaboration. We focus on individual contributors and the open source projects they maintain, providing a stable environment where projects can thrive while preserving their autonomy and identity.

Our corporate sponsors amplify our impact, enabling us to provide better support, resources, and programs for our projects and our members. Beyond covering operational and legal costs, sponsorship allows us to develop shared resources and services that benefit all of our projects and members.

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Sponsorship Tiers and Benefits

Please review our Corporate Sponsorship Agreement for complete details on payment and terms.

Each annual sponsorship provides these benefits:

All tiers:

Gold ($25k USD)

Silver ($15k USD)

Bronze ($5k USD)

Custom Sponsorship

  1. Advisory Board representatives meet semi-annually with the CF Council to provide industry perspective and help align Foundation initiatives with community needs. ↩︎ ↩︎